How to Use Farms Yield Farming on ScarySwap

Is easy! Yield Farming in Farms is a great way to earn SCARY rewards on PancakeSwap.

Unlike Syrup Pools, Farms require you to stake two tokens to get LP Tokens, which you then stake in the Farm to earn rewards. This lets you earn SCARY while still keeping a position in your other tokens! Yield farming can give better rewards than Amazon Pools, but it comes with a risk of Impermanent Loss. It’s not as scary as it sounds, but it is worth learning about the concept before you get started.

Getting prepared Yield farming takes a little work to get set up. You’re going to need some "LP Tokens" to enter into a Farm with. Farms can only accept their own exact LP Token; for example, the SCARY-BNB Farm will only accept SCARY-BNB LP Tokens. To get the exact LP Token, you'll need to provide liquidity for that trading pair. So to get SCARY-BNB LP Tokens, you'll first have to provide liquidity for the SCARY-BNB pair.

Finding your Farm Before you proceed, you'll want to choose a Farm that's right for you. FARM SECTION and you’ll see a list of available Farms.

SCARY-BNB and DRAGONS-BNB are pinned to the top of the list with the default Hot sorting. After the pinned Farms, Hot will show other Farms in order of how new they are. You can choose another sorting option if you like, such as by APR for the Farms with the highest reward rate currently. When you find a Farm that you'd like to use, note down the trading pair, e.g. BNB-SCARY in case you need it later. Providing liquidity to get LP Tokens

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